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Indiana State Parks & Lakes


Inns & Lodges


Interactive Map

Saddle Barns

Recreation Guide

The Indiana State Parks system manages 24 state parks and seven small satellite locations, eight reservoir properties, two state forest recreation areas, and two off-road riding areas. Collectively, Indiana State Park properties manage more than 2,000 buildings, 700 miles of trails, 636 hotel/lodge rooms, 17 marinas, 75 launching ramps, 17 swimming pools, 15 beaches, 7,701 campsites, more than 200 shelters, 160 or so playgrounds and 150 cabins. There are also seven Indiana State Park Inns.

State Park Locations Map of state parks in Indiana. South BendFort WayneTerre HauteIndianapolisLafayetteBloomingtonEvansvilleMadisonRichmond201226102113723199815141652425282926303132333435134111718222736 Potawatomi InnAbe Martin LodgeSpring Mill InnClifty InnCanyon InnFort Harrison State Park Inn & Golf ResortTurkey Run Inn

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